To the mom comparing herself to others

June 23, 2024
The Soulside Team

When I first became a mom, I was caught up and overwhelmed as I wanted to “do it all”. Breastfeed, keep the house clean, make it look like it was easy and that I was enjoying every part of it. I wanted to be the perfect mom that everyone talked about. 

But then weeks turned into months, and I realized that this idealized version of motherhood is a  myth. After all, this wasn't my reality. I started struggling with postpartum anxiety, identity crisis, brain fog and mood swings. And I started comparing my journey with other moms who seemed to have it all. But it only made me feel worse, like I wasn't a good enough mother. 

Remember, you're not alone on your motherhood journey. If you need additional support, Soulside is here for you.

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I read somewhere :  

“Every mom’s journey is unique, just like every child is unique.
Some moms may breeze through pregnancy and bounce back quickly, while others may struggle with postpartum depression or chronic fatigue. Some may find that motherhood is the best thing that’s ever happened to them, while others may miss their pre-baby life. The thing is, none of these experiences are “right” or “wrong”. They’re just different, and it’s important to recognize that different doesn’t mean better or worse. It just means that everyone’s journey is different.”

Slowly I started to see the beauty in my own journey. It didn't come easy to me. I had to learn and practice that. I began to realize that this is my story. My unique journey, as a mom. And it was totally okay to not have all the answers, to ask for help when I needed it, and to take things one day at a time. I learned to give myself some grace. 

And then something incredible happened: I started to see the beauty in other mothers' journeys too.

Now, when I see a mother struggling in public, or hear about her postpartum experience, I feel a sense of empathy and understanding. I don't judge. I don't compare. I respect her for how far she has come. I see the beauty in her story, in her struggle. Because, honestly, the truth is, we're all just doing our best. We're all just figuring it out as we go. And that’s the beauty of motherhood. 🤍

How's the Soulside Community different?

I’d say this community is truly one-of-a-kind. It is a place where moms like me, could let down our guards and be vulnerable without fear of judgment, where our tears and laughter were not only accepted but embraced. 

We share that kind of vulnerability that created a special bond. Surprisingly, it allowed us to find strength in one another, celebrate each other's victories, and offer support in the face of challenges.

Not just this, this community embraced the diversity of parenting styles. They made us realize that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to motherhood. Each of our journeys is unique and so are our perspectives and experiences.

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